Hi Maura,

Hope all is well.  I am writing about the light therapy and I do relive that it has helped me in the fact that my blood test from my Dr. showed my creatine level was at .9 which is now normal and it was at 1.2 before the light therapy.  He thought as well as did I that I would never go below 1.1 so that is wonderful.  I really enjoy the yoga which I do everyday and the breathing and a little meditation.  I think that is so useful for me everyday I wake up stiff and it just helps me to loosen up so I can move around better.  I thank you so much for the one on one yoga so I can do it myself at home and I will come back for 4 more light therapy treatments as we spoke about doing on my last session.  Also for being really interested in helping me get stronger and keeping a positive attitude.

Talk with you soon.


png-squiggly-lines--600I was very impressed by your knowledge and professionalism as well as touched by the empathy patience and kindness you displayed in working with  us (multiple sclerosis group) .


Thanks for all!




Hi Maura,


Thanks so much for another wonderful yoga session.  I was pleasantly surprised to see so many completely  engaged in the movements.


I’m still feeling golden and lustrous.  (not really…I am exhausted and saggy eyed).


Anyway, thanks again for a great evening.  It’s always an honor to heave you spak.  You’re the next best thing to the Dali Lama.


Spinal Cord Injury Group



Dear Maura,

I appreciate the caring, commitment and increased physical, emotional and spiritual support form the various therapies you offer.  You seem to know just what I need after our dialogue, and I leave your studio feeling so much lighter, flexible and “at ease”.  I like how you combine your therapies to really offer me  a unique individual session, incorporating the lights, some energy work, and suggested yoga postures for me to continue at home.  Thanks so much–you are truly a caring professional with sincere, heartfelt dedication to me and my well-being.  Blessings!  Donna M.


Hi Maura,

After our session (loom inaction of therapies) I felt more clear headed.  The stretches really help my low back pain.  I noticed I was very balanced in my fencing class as well.  

Thank you!  

Gene R


Greetings Maura,

A little feedback from a satisfied client.  I took 1 less med last night and had a good nights sleep, first in a while, no restless legs and knees feel much better today, thanks again.   If I wanted another session before next Tuesday, would that be possible?  Knees good , no RLS still!

