
The Koshas are designed to address each person individually forming the integrated whole.

  • Annamayakosha (Physical Body). Anatomical structures and physiological processes. From the yogic perspective, the body is assessed through the Ayurvedic concept of the doshas.
  • Pranamayakosha (Energy Body). From the yogic viewpoint, the body is an interconnected network of intelligent energy pathways. The breath is our staple for maintaining good health and optimal functioning. The energy body contains pranavayus (patterns of energy movement), chakras (energy centers), and nadis (energy pathways). Creating proper breathing patterns and directing our breath through specific pranyamas (breath work) can enhance the flow of energy throughout the body and its systems.
  • Manomayakosha (Psychoemotional Body). This is the dominant emotional and thought patterns that are present within the individual. From a yogic perspective they are viewed in terms of the hree gunas: rajas (an fiery, aggressive state of mind), tamas (dull, lethargic state of mind), and satvic (balanced state of mind) Vijnamayakosha (Wisdom Body). This is where the mind if the ‘witness’, observing behaviors, understanding we are not our personality. Herein lies an opportunity to re-frame one’s core beliefs.
  • Anandamayakosha (Bliss Body). A state of being or state of meditation where we recognize bliss and ease of well-being. Our natural state of wholeness where separation and confusions are not present.
  • Vijnamayakosha (Wisdom Body), This is where the mind is the ‘witness’, observing behaviors, understanding where we are not our personality.  Herein lies an opportunity to reframe one’s core beliefs.